
March 3, 2023

AMSUS 2023: DHA Director LTG Telita Crosland Plenary Session Remarks

“The Defense Health Agency: Improving Health and Building Readiness. Anytime, Anywhere — Always” – remarks by LTG Telita Crosland, Director, Defense Health Agency. Presented during the 2023 annual meeting of AMSUS, the Society for Federal Health Professionals, Feb. 14, 2023, National Harbor, Maryland.

Feb. 14, 2023

AMSUS 2023: MHS Senior Leadership Panel Plenary Session Part1 facebook sharing buttontwitter sharing buttonlinkedin sharing buttonpinterest sharing buttonsharethis sharing button

Military Health System Senior Leadership Panel: “Collaboration Across and Outside the Military Health System Today and Tomorrow.” Panelists: Ms. Seileen Mullen, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Department of Defense (moderator); LTG R. Scott Dingle, Army Surgeon General; RADM Bruce L. Gillingham, Navy Surgeon General; Lt Gen Robert I. Miller, Air Force Surgeon General; LTG Telita Crosland, Director, Defense Health Agency; Maj Gen Paul Friedrichs, Joint Staff Surgeon; Dr Jonathan Woodson, President, Uniformed Services University for the Health Sciences. Presented during the 2023 annual meeting of AMSUS, the Society for Federal Health Professionals, Feb. 14, 2023, National Harbor, Maryland.

Feb. 14, 2023

AMSUS 2023: MHS Senior Leadership Panel Plenary Session part 2

Military Health System Senior Leadership Panel: “Collaboration Across and Outside the Military Health System Today and Tomorrow.” Panelists: Ms. Seileen Mullen, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Department of Defense (moderator); LTG R. Scott Dingle, Army Surgeon General; RADM Bruce L. Gillingham, Navy Surgeon General; Lt Gen Robert I. Miller, Air Force Surgeon General; LTG Telita Crosland, Director, Defense Health Agency; Maj Gen Paul Friedrichs, Joint Staff Surgeon; Dr Jonathan Woodson, President, Uniformed Services University for the Health Sciences. Presented during the 2023 annual meeting of AMSUS, the Society for Federal Health Professionals, Feb. 14, 2023, National Harbor, Maryland.

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